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Everything You Need to Travel with Kids

Summer is fast approaching. School holidays are nearly here, and many of us are starting to think about taking a preposterously expensive summer holiday. Travelling with kids is wonderful. You get to watch their lovely little faces light up with joy at the tiniest thing. You get to watch them explore and grow, and in many ways, it can change the way that you see the world yourself.

At the same time, travelling with the kids is an absolute nightmare. You can’t do anything spontaneously, you need to plan everything to the minute detail, they get sand absolutely everywhere, and they just seem to be sticky, all of the time! So, to emphasise the positives, and make the trip bearable, here’s a look at everything that you need.

The Right Hotel

Before kids, most of us would happily stay anywhere. The hotel was just a place to sleep after all. Then, kids come along, and you need a great hotel like SpringHill Suites Coralville where there is plenty of room to keep all of your stuff and loads to do on those days where you just can’t face taking them out again.

Baby Wipes

You basically need all of the baby wipes. You can buy these while you are away, but if your kids have sensitive skin, you might want to pack and take your own. You’ll need wipes on the plane to wipe sticky snack fingers. You’ll need wipes on the beach to try and minimise the amount of sand that’s eaten with lunch. You’ll need wipes in the car and hotel room to deal with all of the spills and mess, and you’ll need wipes for all of the usual nappy change reasons. You can never, ever have too many baby wipes.

Nappy Sacks

With wipes, come nappy sacks. You’ll need them to store all of those dirty wipes, wrappers and unwanted food until you get to a bin. Carry a few wherever you go. They’re also useful for dirty or wet clothes, to protect everything else in your bag.

Kids’ Sunscreen

Children have exceptionally sensitive skin. They’ll burn as soon as they look at it. Sunscreen is available all over the world, but it’s often cheaper and better quality from home. Pack plenty of factor 50, as well as some smaller, handy bottles to take out with you. Make sure you reapply frequently and especially after they’ve been in the water.

Adults’ Sunscreen

Most of us spend every morning in the summer panicking and plastering our kids in high SPF. We rarely remember that we burn too. Until we’re in agony and peeling that is. Remember sunscreen for yourself.


Pack as many kids’ sun hats as you can fit in your bag. They’ll refuse to wear them, and then lose them after 10 minutes when they do. The same goes for sunglasses and possibly shoes and socks.

The Favourite Teddy

If your child has a favourite teddy or toy that they sleep with every night, whatever you do, do not forget to pack it, and don’t leave it on the plane. You’ll be in for a very tiring trip if you do.

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