Buying a used car is a great idea. It’s a fantastic way to save money while still having a vehicle to get you around. A used car can also be cheaper to insure and is undoubtedly a better option for a new driver who is more likely to make mistakes or be involved in accidents. You’ll also feel less precious about a second-hand car. You might not be as worried about every scratch or scrape. It can make driving less pressured and more enjoyable.
While a second-hand car is cheaper, it doesn’t mean that you have to skimp on style, safety features, added extras, and comfort. A used car can be just as good as new. But, only if you get the right one.
When it comes to buying a used car, there’s a lot to look for. You’ll want to check the service history and MOTs. You’ll want to know about any accidents and about the previous owner’s temperament. You’ll want to check the car for signs of damage and wear and tear. In short, you’ll want to know that you are getting good value for money and that the vehicle will last for more than a few years.
But, most of us haven’t got a clue when it comes to cars. Our vehicle takes us from A to B and on the odd trip. We don’t really care how it does it as long as it does. You might have found yourself opening the hood and simply staring at the inside, in the hope that a bit of gentle moaning and some exasperated sighs will get your car going again when there has been a problem. So, how do you buy the right used car, when you have absolutely no knowledge or understanding of cars?
Don’t Buy from Just Anyone
So, the guy down the road with a uniform of jogging bottoms and a backward cap is selling his car? You know this because he’s taped a sign in the window of his filthy dented car and left it on the side of the road. Don’t buy it! Instead, find a trusted source like for help.
Learn the Basics
You don’t need to know how a car words to know if it does. You don’t need to learn the finer details. Just memorise the things that you need to ask or check for. Things like mileage, service history, previous owners details, recent repairs, and age. Write these down and take a checklist when you see the car if it helps. You can learn some of the basics of car repair at
Look Under the Hood
Most things, you can check with your eyes. Look at the car before you buy it. Check for dents and scratches and make sure that they dashboard buttons and lights all work. Then, look under the hood. If you don’t, it will be clear that you’re no expert. Check for rust, loose wires and anything that’s obviously wrong. Check the fluid levels too, just so that you look like you know what you are doing.
Ask Questions
Expert or not, there’s nothing wrong with asking questions. If you’re not sure about something, ask for more information.
While a second-hand car is cheaper, it doesn’t mean that you have to skimp on style, safety features, added extras, and comfort. A used car can be just as good as new. But, only if you get the right one.
When it comes to buying a used car, there’s a lot to look for. You’ll want to check the service history and MOTs. You’ll want to know about any accidents and about the previous owner’s temperament. You’ll want to check the car for signs of damage and wear and tear. In short, you’ll want to know that you are getting good value for money and that the vehicle will last for more than a few years.
But, most of us haven’t got a clue when it comes to cars. Our vehicle takes us from A to B and on the odd trip. We don’t really care how it does it as long as it does. You might have found yourself opening the hood and simply staring at the inside, in the hope that a bit of gentle moaning and some exasperated sighs will get your car going again when there has been a problem. So, how do you buy the right used car, when you have absolutely no knowledge or understanding of cars?
Don’t Buy from Just Anyone
So, the guy down the road with a uniform of jogging bottoms and a backward cap is selling his car? You know this because he’s taped a sign in the window of his filthy dented car and left it on the side of the road. Don’t buy it! Instead, find a trusted source like for help.
Learn the Basics
You don’t need to know how a car words to know if it does. You don’t need to learn the finer details. Just memorise the things that you need to ask or check for. Things like mileage, service history, previous owners details, recent repairs, and age. Write these down and take a checklist when you see the car if it helps. You can learn some of the basics of car repair at
Look Under the Hood
Most things, you can check with your eyes. Look at the car before you buy it. Check for dents and scratches and make sure that they dashboard buttons and lights all work. Then, look under the hood. If you don’t, it will be clear that you’re no expert. Check for rust, loose wires and anything that’s obviously wrong. Check the fluid levels too, just so that you look like you know what you are doing.
Ask Questions
Expert or not, there’s nothing wrong with asking questions. If you’re not sure about something, ask for more information.