Regular readers of this blog (hi Sarah) will know that our little one goes to nursery on Mondays. This has resulted in Mondays being our day of freedom (even if he does come home filthy afterwards!) A day when we can do things that are much easier to do when the little one isn’t at home. To go places that are much harder to go to when little one is with us. Unless we’re both at work of course, in which case Monday is much like any other day!
Today was one of those fairly rare days when we were both off work so could actually get things done together. Sounds exciting doesn’t it?! What ‘freedom’ meant for us today was the following:
Pizza Hut buffet for lunch – admittedly not that posh and not that thrilling but it was pretty tasty. We mostly talked about the little one over lunch.
Smyths Toy Superstore – looking at toys for the little one.
Matalan – looking at coats and other clothes. For the little one.
TK Maxx – looking at coats and other clothes. For the little one.
B&Q – bought some paint and wallpaper. Looked at bedding. For the little one.
B&M – bought some cheap food. And coat hangers for the little one. And toys for the little one.
We got stuck in traffic on the way home so there was no time to pop into a cafe for cake before picking up the little one. And that was that. Our day of freedom spent talking about the little one, looking at things for the little one, buying things for the little one and rushing home to pick up the little one!
In other news, Joshua has taken to sitting in small dark spaces, much like a nocturnal creature. For a couple of weeks he liked being shut in his bedroom wardrobe in the dark. Then he liked sitting in our newly installed utility room cupboards. Now he likes us to cover him with his duvet so he can just sit there under it.
He is also a big fan of his pirate tent that we have now stuck in his bedroom as it was taking up too much room in the dining room! He likes to invite me in, sit there pointing out the various pictures for a few minutes, then get bored and bugger off, leaving me to attempt to get my back and knees working enough for me to clamber out of the bloody thing again! Or just sit there in case he comes back. On my own. Like a twat.
I know this is ‘perfectly normal’ and probably ‘just a phase’ but it does feel a bit odd to see him climb into a cupboard and shut the door on himself!! Especially given neither Sarah or I are particularly fond of confined spaces!
Given his obsession with tools, diggers and dark confined spaces I’ve a lingering fear that he’ll grow up to be a miner. Or a chimney sweep. If this was Victorian England we’d be quids in, but hopefully at some stage he’ll realise that sitting in cupboards really isn’t that exciting!
Go on admit it. You love it in that pirate tent all by yourself really! The Boy loves his “Ikea special” tent too but treats it more like a hamster ball and we just find it rolling around variots rooms of the house with him in it shrieking and giggling to himself. We’re hoping he’ll grow out of this phase too. I can imagine it being somewhat hazardous when he’s 23? #chucklemums
It’s quite peaceful in the tent when he’s not there. Just me with the teddies and pirates. Very hot though!!
Your day together sounds very familiar! When I am alone with my husband we talk baby and then we regale each other with tales of cute things the baby did and then discuss how much we miss her when she is, usually, only upstairs sleeping! #chucklemums
That’s the joy of parenthood I guess!! Miss them when they’re not there, go slowly insane when they are there!!
Do you ever wonder what the literal hell you found to talk about pre-little one? When we go for dinner on our own (about once every seventeen months) we’ve got tumbleweed before we’ve finished our soup to start. Bloody kids. #chucklemums
Tumbleweed soup is actually quite tasty! I think before having our little one we talked about having a little one ??
Ha ha, that sounds like our nights out – just talking about the baby and sharing pics of her. Nursery is a life saver though as it gives you a moment or two to catch your breath! #chucklemums
Little ones are fascinating things to be fair!! Well worth chatting about!!
Haha, it was almost like you were talking about me as your regular reader! But I suppose you were talking to another of the Sarah Multitudes…sigh…#chucklemums
Let’s go with the Sarah being you! Definitely not my lovely wife Sarah! I will go for ‘Sarahs’ next time ??
My name isn’t Sarah.
I would love Mondays off and I wouldn’t even get out of bed.
Good plan, as long as you let your little ones walk to nursery on their own!!
This is so true! We have a child free day and EVERYTHING we do still centres around the child!
Love that he’s shutting himself in cupboards, bless him!
I guess the freedom gives us the chance to do what we want – it just happens to be that we want to do things for the little one ??
I don’t know what we talked about before having a baby…maybe we just didn’t speak!! #KCACOLS
I’m sure we used to talk about something – just can’t quite recall what it was! Probably work ??
Hehe, sounds like us! The dark spaces thing must be a toddler thing because my daughter has been doing that – our wardrobe, her wardrobe, the side of her cot or wrapping the dining room curtains round her. Funny creatures! #KCACOLS
Definitely a strange thing to do. I’ll have to ask my mum if I did the same thing when I was a toddler!!
My son hides in my wardrobe! The hubby and I went on date night last night…and talked about Little L. Ha ha! #KCACOLS
Yes date nights are definitely not quite the same these days!!
lol my boy likes sitting under a blanket or a duvet too. we love making dens. isn’t it funny how even when we have some time out from being parents, we still do everything that revolves around our kids! we are the same – if I go shopping, its always for b or I end up getting something for him! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday!
They do have a habit of taking over your life!! Generally for the better though!! Thanks for hosting!