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Hey Toddler, Leave That Clock Alone

Our little one is generally pretty good at sleeping. He is normally fairly compliant when bedtime arrives, has a tried and tested bedtime routine and drifts off reasonably quickly. However he isn’t always the best at waking us up at a time that doesn’t feel like we are being beaten round the head with a spiky stick.

I’m pretty shocking in the morning anyway, so being repeatedly woken up at 530am isn’t really conducive to top notch parenting. Sarah had been talking about trying a Gro Clock for ages so we finally bought one and have given it a good go over the past couple of weeks.

After a few attempts it had actually been working pretty well and the little one had started getting into the habit of knowing not to scream like a demented bandit until the ‘sun’ came out at 645am. This success continued until, as so often is the case, Joshua figured out a way round it – this time by realising that the ‘sun’ can actually be made to ‘come out’ by pressing the button at whatever time you fancy waking up! Meaning that the whole process became a bit pointless, as he can now wake up at 530am, make the sun come up and then legitimately scream the house down!

In other news, I’m definitely heading to Blogfest this year as I now have a ticket courtesy of the lovely Maddy from The Speed Bump who unfortunately could no longer make it! Barring disaster this will be my first ever blogging conference so hopefully come 13th November this whole blog will be a load more professional and I will be firmly on the path to international mega-stardom! It’s surely only a matter of time…

Seriously though it will be nice to meet some other bloggers in real life and to cheer on Fran from Whinge Whinge Wine who is in the final 3 of the comedy writers category this year! I’m sure we can all discuss DA, reach, PRs, plugins and widgets until the cows come home. Or just drink a lot, eat a bit and have a dance!

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