Thursday, March 13, 2025

Hit The Road For A Trip Of A Lifetime!

Collaborative post

Before Joshua was born we were very keen on road trips. Days out would often consist of picking a general direction to drive in and then following any brown signs we saw that we hadn’t been to before!

Not having a set plan of where we would end up was quite fun, especially on a nice sunny Spring or Autumn day where we could stop wherever we fancied for a picnic and a stroll. We’d always look forward to these mystery day trips and we stumbled upon some great places we’d never heard of.

As soon as Joshua arrived the whole concept of the road trip changed. He was a terrible sleeper due to colic and reflux so our evenings would consist of driving round the local roads for hours on end trying to get him to sleep! Not quite the type of road trips we were used to, but given he would only drift off in the car it became very much a necessity!

Now he’s a bit older trips out in the car are back to being fun again! But where do you go with a five year-old and how do you do it without him getting bored?!

The best way is to make the journey interesting and to break it up into bite-sized chunks, stopping in lots of places where there are things for Joshua to see and do. Easy eh!

Whether this involves travelling between National Trust places, or riverside walks, or places of interest it’s good to have a few stops built into the trip to keep the interest levels up.

If you fancy hitting the open road and stepping things up to the next level you can get some ideas for awesome road trips which allow you to take in some iconic locations and sights from some of the world’s top films! Clearly the Harry Potter one is a bit easier than the rest, but if you’re planning an overseas trip why not factor some in?

Have you given any of these a try? Or do you have some favourites of you own that you want to share? Let us know in the comments!

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