Thursday, March 13, 2025
Fake NewsYHTL Blog

Mum Caught Drawing Genitalia To Gain Followers

A mum spent her spare time drawing penises and vaginas in crayons in order to gain Facebook followers, it has been revealed.

Penny Lane, 32, from Slough, would post the drawings online, pretending that her young son had drawn them ‘by accident’ whilst attempting to depict everyday objects.

Having hoodwinked her own 17 friends she would then share the images on popular pages such as the The Unmumsy Mum in a bid to become Facebook Famous.

The shocking truth came out when one of Penny’s real life friends (IRL) saw one of her posts on Sarah Turner’s page and was surprised at what she saw.

But it wasn’t the crayon cocks and finger-painted fannies that were most amazing to her friend. It was the fact that Penny doesn’t actually have any children.

‘I saw the images on The Unmumsy Mum and was a little surprised that Penny was passing them off as being drawn by her non-existent child’ revealed Claire Matthews, who doesn’t want to be named. ‘She’s always been a bit odd and attention seeking but this was something else!’

We looked at some of the images in question and are sharing them with you below. Do you think they were innocently drawn by a toddler? Or was Penny pinching her share of the spotlight with grown-up-generated-genitalia?

You decide!

If you have any hilarious images you want to share please do so in the comments. Our readers can then tell you if they think it was ‘kid’ or ‘krazy’, ‘toddler’ or ‘too much time on your hands’, ‘wee one’ or ‘whack job’.


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7 thoughts on “Mum Caught Drawing Genitalia To Gain Followers

  • Mummy Muckups (Anna)

    Oh dear. Poor Penny. I must admit; I do always get a great laugh at those pics! ‘Normally’ kids can do such crackers!!! #FridayFrolics

  • Penny can borrow my two so she doesn’t have to fake it. The Mother-in-law recently bought my two sharpie colouring pens, as in permanent. I have come to the conclusion that she must hate me. It was like the time I asked MIL very politely if for Oldest’s birthday she could not a) buy a big present as we were moving to Jersey and b) no more dollies as we have enough to start our own school. She gave Oldest TWO of those scary life-size dollies. Whyyyyyy! #FridayFrolics

  • I sometimes like to go to the shopping centre, alone, with my hair and make up done, browse at leisure, an pretend I don’t have kids. I sometimes even stop to enjoy a hot coffee. I can sympathise with Penny 😉 Thanks for linking up to #FridayFrolics

  • The Squirmy Popple

    Haha – I’ve often wondered whether some of these pictures that you see on social media are actually real. I kind of can’t blame Penny – Facebook is a tricky one to crack, and penis drawings seem to do pretty well there. Time to break out the crayons? #FridayFrolics

  • Lana James

    Lmfao. Come on, Penny. My toddler could have done better. #FridayFrolics

  • Shocked and appalled! The Daily Mail will be doing a feature on you before you know it!

  • Silly Mummy

    Haha! I will now be suspicious that this is actually what has happened whenever I see people post their kids’ hilariously inappropriate drawings! Thanks for joining us for #FridayFrolics

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