Friday, March 14, 2025

Nanny. Nanny. NAAAAANNNYYY!!!

Today we returned from the lovely Lake District after a slightly less lovely 7 hours in the car. That’s 7 hours not including the 2 hours stop and the 30 minutes stop. So yes, for all you budding Rachel Rileys out there that’s 9hrs 30mins to get home today from a place that is a mere 4 hours away.

And yes, the use of the word ‘mere’ was an intentional pun, given the plethora of meres in the Lake District. I don’t just type this shit blindly and hope, don’tcha know.

The journey to the Lake District on Monday also totalled 9hrs 30mins, so without even including the travelling done whilst there, that’s already 19 hours of travelling for what is effectively 3 days of holiday.

Note to self – must book longer holidays!

Anyhoo, the 3 days we were actually there were lovely. Lakes, lovely weather, alcohol, good food, hot tub and a few firsts for the little one. Even a few lie ins were possible due to my parents coming along with us and bizarrely enjoying early mornings.

‘I do hope those firsts you refer to weren’t linked to the hot tub and alcohol’ I hear you pondering, fingers poised on the speed dial button to Social Services. No, they were not. Here, by means of explanation, are some of the firsts that Joshua encountered:

1. A ride on a choo choo train.



2. Holding an owl.

20160914_1357563. Milking a (plastic) cow.


4. Sitting on a dig dig.


5. Climbing on a cargo net thingies  (with unintentional somersault thrown in for good measure!)


6. Playing in a house made of sticks.


7. Meeting the Gruffalo (zero shits were given).


8. Throwing coin in a wishing well.


9. Inserting money into a tree trunk.


10. Looking like a convicted criminal (i.e. didn’t really want his photo taken!!)

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The little man was actually pretty awesome all week and had a great time, not least because Nanny and Grandad were there to play with him constantly. He decided that he would only hold nanny’s hand this week, and would shout ‘Nanny, Nanny, Nanny’ repeatedly if she dared to stray more than a couple of metres away from him! At least having them both with us provided more defensive cover when trying to stop him running into roads or lakes!

It wasn’t all perfect up North though. There were wasps EVERYWHERE! This was not helped by the fact that the lodge next to our one either had a wasp nest under the eaves or was hosting some kind of wasp convention. This meant each morning that our car had at least 15 wasps sat on it waiting to pounce, which wasn’t ideal! Hands were clapped, furled newspapers waved and doors cracked open just enough to squeeze bodies through.

The other Lake District downside was the cream tea composition. Instead of yummy clotted cream like we have down South they seem to use squirty cream. SQUIRTY CREAM!! Who on earth uses squirty cream on scones?! If Jesus liked scones he’d be weeping.

Anyway, now I’m back home again it’s time to write this blog entry and catch up on all the social media stuff that didn’t work up north! Really miss the hot tub though…

A Mum Track Mind
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19 thoughts on “Nanny. Nanny. NAAAAANNNYYY!!!

  • Brilliant funny post. As a ‘nanny’ who has been on holiday with her grandchildren, I can totally relate. #fortheloveofBLOG

    • Lovely thing to say – thanks!! The nanny bond does seem very strong!

  • The journey sounds like a nightmare bit the holiday sounds fab…milking a plastic cow. .ha ha! #fortheloveofBLOG

    • Everyone should milk a plastic cow at least once in their lives!

  • Looks like a really fun trip!! Great post!

    • Definitely need at least a week next time. So much driving!!!

  • Jeez what happened for it to take so long?! I love the Lake District but you can get to Canada quicker!! Glad you had a good time when you did get there though! Thanks for linking up to #fortheloveofBLOG

    • Traffic. Roadworks. Accidents. All round pain in the bum! Enjoyed it when we got there though! Thanks for hosting!

  • alisonlonghurst

    i said to my partner when we got back from Spain that we can get to Malaga quicker than we can get to the Lakes! I love the Lakes though and all those firsts – you must have all come home exhausted! Alison #MarvMondays

    • Still recovering from the driving!! Lovely place though!

    • Plenty of good uses for squirty cream. On scones is not one of them ??

  • What a long drive! I always find the drive is so much longer than the SatNav says it’s going to be – even with a stop half way along! Great plan to take your parents with you – makes me wonder how I can persuade mine to go somewhere with me!! #MarvMondays

  • Squirty cream for cream tea is ridiculous! It’s definitely easier going away with the grandparents, never a bad thing to improve the ratio of adults to children. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again on Sunday 2nd Oct x

  • This looks like fun. I don’t much fancy that long journey thought! We’re off to my mums soon in the middle of Wales and apart from me being excited to see her I am looking forward to the ‘Nanny, Nanny, Nanny’ for a change.

  • I’m sorry, squirty cream on scones?! Shocking! And I love the photo of him just casually strolling past the gruffalo! x #KCACOLS

  • Wow, you managed to get up to alot though! I’m desperate to visit the Lake District, have heard how beautiful it is but wow, that’s a long journey! Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays. Kaye xo

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