Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Fake NewsYHTL Blog

Number Of Parents Not Blogging Reaches Historic Low

New research has shown that the number of parents that don’t write a parenting blog has reached an all-time low, as people look for ways of passing their time at home.

Although subject to some regional variations, figures suggest that in some parts of the country as many as 97% of parents now have a blog. 

We spoke to new parenting blogger, Dennis Mennis, who launched ‘Look At Me, I Write A Dad Blog‘ just 7 days ago. He revealed:

One night I was trawling the internet and discovered that there was fewer than 1,400,000 dad blogs that covered the ‘real side’ of parenting. 

Dennis explained that he set up his blog to give normal parents an insight into the lives of normal parents. 

I wanted to help normalize the normality of normal life so that normal parents could feel more normal. It’s normal to be normal.

Dennis said that his blog wasn’t aimed at other bloggers, but at the 4 people in his village that were non-bloggers. 

Dave and Pauline at number 28 and Mike and Michelle at 62a have both recently had children and I bet they would love to know all about my experiences of changing a nappy and going to the shops. 

I mean, although they probably change nappies and go to the shops themselves it’s always nice to get another viewpoint, especially from an experienced parenting blogger like myself.

Dennis’ emergence as a parenting blogger isn’t an unusual story. Statistics reveal that on average 412 people per second launch a parenting blog in the UK, 27% of whom are not even parents.

It’s not hard to see why. We went undercover, setting up a fake no-nonsense parenting blog, hilariously titled ‘I Hate My Kids & Everyone That Pretends They Don’t Is Lying.  And I Drink Lots Of Wine.’

Within our first week, we had received offers of a small cake, a subscription to a cheap parenting app and a £5 Amazon voucher, each in exchange for a 500 word blog post, four 2 minute Instagram stories and a 3m sign to be erected in our front garden for 2 months.

In week two we were offered some quality hi-res images in exchange for having a tattoo of a company placed on our forehead and in week 3 we were also given the opportunity to try out a 5ml sachet of Anusol cream in exchange for a completely honest, undisclosed 5 star review on Amazon.

Given the exponential increase in the number of parenting bloggers in recent years, the process for registering a domain name is now set to be included in NCT classes from 1st April 2022.

Bounty packs given out to unsuspecting, exhausted parents at hospitals will now also include vouchers for 25% off at Go Daddy. There’s even talk of a new mandatory requirement to register your domain name at the same time as registering your baby’s name to help streamline the process.

In a world that appears to be falling apart around us, it’s reassuring to know that with just a few taps of your smartphone you too can access a billion completely unique and inspiring stories of taking a toddler to the shops and what to do what your baby shoots a flume of excrement across your living room carpet. 

What a time to be alive.

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3 thoughts on “Number Of Parents Not Blogging Reaches Historic Low

    • joshuasdadjames

      Yay! Glad you liked it! Thanks for the comment 😘

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