Thursday, March 13, 2025

“Smile And Wave Boys…”

First day back at school. Was wet and windy so took pity on the teenagers and gave them a lift. Picked up eldest’s friend on the way.

Stopped at junction and waited. Eventually an oncoming driver slowed to let me join the flow of traffic. As I pulled out I turned to eldest in the passenger seat, gesticulated towards the guy who’d let me out, and said, “Smile and wave boys, smile and wave.”

Eldest was absolutely MORTIFIED.

“Mam! That’s so embarrassing! Can you not say things like that??”

I glanced in the rear view mirror, eyeballed his friend, smiled sweetly and said, “I apologise if using a quote from the film Madagascar has embarrassed you in any way. As one of our most frequent passengers your custom is important to us, and I sincerely hope that you continue to use our service as a method of getting to school.”

Eldest wanted to die, “MAAAAM! That’s even worse. STOP TALKING!!”

The journey continued in silence. Dropped the kids off (resisted urge to shout ‘love you’ as they got out of the car) and drove home smiling; with the words ‘mother 1 teenager 0’ dancing around in my head…

This post was first published here. For more from Midlife Dramas In Pyjamas click on the image below or any of the recent posts. Or to have a gander at her YHTL Profile, click here!

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