Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Things In My HeadYHTL Blog

The Twelve Months That Changed EVERYTHING

OK that was a bit clickbatey, and not remotely accurate as a title, but it sounded good in my head.

To set the scene, it’s 9pm on New Year’s Eve and I’m in my PJs planning on just about staying awake long enough to see the London fireworks before hitting the sack before a 430am wake up for work.

So it’s not the most dramatic NYE of all times, but it has been a pretty good year all things considered, so it would be remiss not to have a look back!


We’ve been on a couple of lovely trips with Joshua this year, Holiday Village Ibiza in May half-term and Finlake Holiday Park in the Summer holidays. Both were really lovely places – I’ve always loved Ibiza, although we didn’t see much of it this time around – and both had loads of stuff for Joshua to do.

I’m too tired to write words so here are some of my favourite photos!

Not forgetting we also went away to Seville for out ten year wedding anniversary in August this year and that was a beautiful city full of amazing things – including a rooftop pool and lovely cocktails!

Home Work

We finally finished our kitchen renovation / extension this Summer so that was an awesome thing to get completed after what felt like 3 years of work! It’s all very grey, which is very now, and has lots of ochre accents. And the hexagonal tiles which took ages to get right ended up looking lovely too I think. But again, have some photos instead…


I’m always very happy to brag about the fact that Joshua is awesome. I mean, yes of course he’s sometimes a lot of work, and he does have a penchant for headbutting items of furniture and being an occasional smarty-pants but overall he’s pretty much perfect!

This year saw him start Year 1 and he’s settled in really well and been doing really well with his schoolwork too, which is great. Most importantly his teacher said he’s a lovely boy who always makes her smile, so I couldn’t ask for much more that that! He’s even started to dance like his dad so that’s great too…

Here’s a smattering of Joshua photos from 2019.

Friends & Stuff

2019 had been a really good year for making some new friends and doing some really fun things with them. That’s not as dodgy as it sounds I promise!

There’s been my first trip to a theme park for 20 years, 7 Christmas parties, two BlogOn conferences, cocktail making, giving a welcome speech, meeting up for lots of playdates with friends, watching and playing a lot of football and a cracking few nights out! There was even a non-sweaty visit to Pizza Express in Woking…

You want to see some photos you say? Here goes…


Yeah I know blogging stats and stuff are about a dull as you can get, but I’ve been enjoying writing again in recent months and have been doing OK. I’ve even had a couple of vaguely amusing memes that did fairly well, so fame and fortune in 2020 are pretty much guaranteed.


I also discovered this year that although I’m definitely allergic to peanuts I’m not in fact allergic to hazelnuts. So that’s pretty cool, especially as it’s meant I could eat a lot more of the chocolates I got in the Christmas selection boxes this year. Yay.

And that’s it really. It’s been a pretty good year, with lots of awesome experiences, no majorly bad things and loads of great memories to look back on.

Here’s to much more of the same in 2020 and a massive thank you to all of you who have played a massive part in 2019. You know who you are 😘 🍾🕺🍸🍹🥂♥️

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