Saturday, February 22, 2025
InterviewsYHTL Blog

So You Think You’re Funny – Season 2, Episode 1 – Carly From Mom Of Two Little Girls

It’s time for Season 2 of our ‘hit’ comedy series ‘So You Think You’re Funny?’ – the first season took a while to finish and the second one has taken a while to start. But it’s definitely here now, and we have our first guest – Carly from Mom Of Two Little Girls, all the way from South Africa. She’s very funny and also enables us to repeatedly claim that we have global reach and contributors from around the globe, so what a perfect way to start Season 2! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the start of Season 2!

  1. Tell us about yourself in 20 words or less:

I’m a wife and a SAHM. I blog. I drink wine. I try to be real.


  1. How would your child(ren) describe you?

They think ‘being a mom’ is an actual career. The poor things currently both aspire to be a mom, so either I’m doing something terribly wrong, or terribly right. I don’t want to dwell on that too much.


  1. When and why did you last properly laugh out loud?

Last week. I got a text from my 3yr old’s teacher detailing an event in class that morning:

“I just had such a good laugh. I asked the class what happens when water turns to ice, and A** shouted from the back “You put it in your wine!” I had to stop teaching I was laughing so much.”

I was both mortified and proud. My funny child.


  1. Do you try to be funny when you are writing? Tell us a bit about your blogging ‘process’.

I don’t intentionally try to be funny, rather I hope that the people reading my blog are able to enjoy the sarcasm and my rather dry sense of humour. Otherwise I might be in trouble. So far so good though.


  1. What is the funniest thing you’ve read in the past few months?

Other than the text from my daughter’s teacher, there are a few bloggers who make me laugh. One of my favourites is Dawn who blogs at Rhyming With Wine.


  1. What are the best and worst things about becoming a parent?

Best: The unconditional love we sometimes take for granted.

Worst: Wiping bums! Seriously … I’m done now.


  1. Do your friends/family find you funny in ‘real life’?

Maybe the ones on the same ‘wave length’ as me, others just giggle nervously and then I realise maybe I took it too far.


  1. Go on, say something funny!

“something funny” … see! Maybe I’m no good at this, or original.


  1. How did you get into writing and why?

I started blogging as a way of attempting to regain some sanity. I’m slowly emerging from the dark depths of toddlerdom and felt I wanted to create a record of my thoughts and experiences. Seems to be going okay so far.


  1. If you could only have one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

Melted cheese on toast.


  1. Complete the sentence; ‘Since having a child…’

I have no boobs, dignity, standards or nice things anymore.


  1. In your opinion, what is the worst children’s TV show, and why?

Peppa effing Pig! I hate her, I really do. She’s such a spiteful squealing know-it-all!


  1. Please tell us about your blog and why we should visit:

My blog is about the highs and lows of parenting. I try to keep it real. It’s really the hardest job in the world. If I didn’t have my sense of humour I’d have lost the will to live long ago. Visit my bog if you don’t take me, or yourself too seriously.

That was good wasn’t it? Not a bad way to start the new series methinks! There’ll be plenty more to come over the next few weeks so we’d love it if you popped back every Monday and see what wonders present themselves. If you can’t wait that long why not have a look back at Season 1 for loads more awesome comedy interviews!

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2 thoughts on “So You Think You’re Funny – Season 2, Episode 1 – Carly From Mom Of Two Little Girls

  • Mom Of Two Little Girls

    Ah, thanks for this. xxx

  • Rhyming with Wine

    Love your work Carly! Your posts always make me giggle. Massive high five to your littley for correctly identifying the only appropriate thing to do with ice haha. Thanks for the mention. Big bloggy hugs! x

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