Friday, March 14, 2025
Business, Finance & Tech

Tips For People Coming To The UK To Study

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If you are planning on coming to the UK to study, read on for some general advice and some tips for making money as a student in the United Kingdom.

Add important numbers to your phone book

UCAS processes university and college applications, with more than 2.5 applications made every year, while they also run a number of specialist application services and help students to gain access to education institutions in England and the rest of the EU. We advise calling 0371 468 0 468 for the best service. One of the companies you may need to get in touch with is the TV Licence Agency. If you have any query relating to TV licences all you need to do is dial 0300 790 6071. Every person that has a television or watches the TV on their Internet needs to have a licence – students included.

Make sure you have some form of identification

There are many perks associated with being a student. If you walk along any high street you will see a wealth of shops offering great discounts for students only. You have the opportunity to take advantage of a whole host of special deals and price reductions. Nonetheless, in order to take advantage of these incredible offers, you have to be able to prove that you are a genuine student. This is why a student ID card is a necessity. If you take a look on the Internet you will see that there is a wealth of companies offering student identification cards. However, you shouldn’t simply purchase from the first business you lay your eyes on. You need to be certain you find a trustworthy company that will provide you with a genuine ID card. 

As touched upon in the introduction, there are lots of retail stores offering fantastic discounts for students with a genuine student ID card. However, the benefits don’t end there. You will also be able to take advantage of special prices and promotions in certain bars and restaurants. Reduced travel fair can be another perk as well. Nevertheless, if you are to benefit from all of these offers, you need to prove you are a student in order to confirm your eligibility. Most of these places will only accept a student ID card as proof. In addition to this, a student ID card can also offer an effective way of proving your age when you are purchasing something that has age restrictions, such as alcohol. In these cases it is pivotal to produce an ID card showcasing your date of birth and a picture, which is actually what a student ID provides. And that is without even mentioning the primary function of a student ID card – to ensure campus security is maintained and you benefit from all of the perks you should whilst attending university or college. 

Sell your old school, college or university textbooks online

You spend £20, £30, £40 and even £50 on university and college textbooks, only for them to barely even be opened. So, what do you do when your first year of university ends? Chuck them in the bin? No! Sell them! There are going to be plenty of students who are in the position you once were and they definitely aren’t going to want to pay the full price. This gives you the capacity to make a bit of extra cash and you can get the books off your hands too. It is a win-win situation, isn’t it?

Well, it is for most people, until they go to post their books. They get lumbered with massive delivery costs and expensive book boxes and thus it defeats the whole purpose of selling the books in the first place. Thankfully, there are companies that array of fantastic book boxes you can send your books cheaply whilst being confident that they have arrived at the desired destination in the same condition they were in when you first posted them. 

Book boxes are available at rock bottom prices if you search online, and this is further enhanced if you choose to buy in bulk. In fact, if you read this great piece, Student Alert: You’re The Boss Of Your Own Money Now…, you will be able to find plenty of other useful pieces of advice and information when it comes to students and their finances. 

Discover some top tips and advice on how to make money with school tutoring

If you are looking for some extra money, then you should definitely look into high school tutoring in further depth. This is something a lot of people overlook, as they don’t know if they are qualified and they feel it will take too much of a commitment. However, this is not the case. There are plenty of different options that are available to you. Keeping that in mind, read on to discover everything you need to know about making money with tutoring. 

Traditionally tutoring involves either visiting someone’s house or the student coming to your house. You will then have a lesson, usually lasting an hour or two. This is something that does not appeal to a lot of people. Driving places can cost a significant amount of money, whilst having students at your own home can disturb other members of your family. This is why tutoring is something that not everyone considers. However, in the digital age, you have other options at your disposal, which certainly should not be overlooked. 

Online tutoring is a great example. This offers you an excellent way of making money. You will be able to teach students over the Internet. This is a lot easier, as you can do it from the comfort of your own home. It is also a more flexible way of earning extra money – you can teach at a time that is suitable to you. You will have plenty of teaching resources available to you as well, from videos to interactive whiteboards. This makes life a lot easier and teaching more enjoyable too. 

Online tutoring also represents an exceptional opportunity for people that do not have as much experience. You can post your qualifications online and your rates and then it is up to students whether they choose you. Once you start to get a few students on board, your credibility will increase and you can build up a good profile for yourself. Get your students and / or their parents to leave recommendations and this will encourage other people to use your services.

To conclude, if you are looking for some extra money or you want to advance your career, online tutoring represents an exceptional opportunity. It is a great way for you to make more cash. Whether you teach someone on a regular basis, or you provide kids with exam help or homework help, or you simply put together teaching resources for students to use… the options are endless! It is certainly worth exploring what is out there, there is nothing to lose, and there are always plenty of people that are looking for a bit of extra help or assistance. 

All things considered, if you are planning on coming to the UK to study, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed. We hope that you have found the information in this blog post helpful.

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