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Write Club: Challenge Two

Let’s Get Ready To Crumble: Baking With Your Kids

Watch us wreck the mic, watch us wreck the mic, watch us wreck the mic. Psyche. 

Ant & Dec

Yes, it’s time for challenge two, in our was-brand-new-last-week-but-now-isn’t-quite-so-new-anymore series of extreme epicness, Write Club. 

This time the topic is baking with your kids, a subject that will be dear to many of your hearts. What could be a more wholesome family activity than throwing flour and eggs around your kitchen as your little one narrowly avoids losing a finger in the electric whisk and burning themselves on the oven?!

It’s the stuff that dreams are made of. 

Or maybe nightmares. 

Either way it involves sleep and sleep is good.

So let’s get cracking. Give it your best shot. Make your children proud. Make yourselves proud. Other motivational stuff.

Just make sure you use the badge and post your links in the Write Club Facebook page by the end of Friday 9th November 2018…

Here’s the rules again if you ‘need’ them.

Here are some of the lovely bloggers that have taken part this time:

Tales From Mamaville 

The Incidental Parent

A Life Just Ordinary

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