Wednesday, March 12, 2025

YHTL Weekly Highlights – 22 to 28 May 2017

It’s been a pretty busy week on the website this week, as always. It’s also been busy at my own house as we’ve had the builders in starting work on our extension after well over a year in the planning, and my little one has turned 3 today! If you’ve managed to keep up with every post on our website this week, then a hearty congratulations to you. If you haven’t then have no fear – our YHTL Weekly Highlights are here!

This is the part of the week where we always look back at the funniest moments in the land we call YHTL. Not wanting to break with tradition, this week we will start with…


As we had completely run out of willing participants wanted to take a mid season break to build some anticipation for next week, there was no comedy interview this week. Sad, I know. But to fill the comedy void I wrote a somewhat tongue-in-cheek post about how ‘difficult’ school exams had become. I thought it was funny, but then I do think I’m generally hilarious. Not everyone agrees. You can make up your own mind by clicking the pretty picture below

We also set the wheels in motion for what could be the most exciting thing to happen to blogland in 2017. Our YHTL Comedy Awards. More details to follow over the coming weeks – woo and indeed hoo!


Today saw a terrific featured post from the very awesome Bell From Bow about a subject that most of us have at least some experience of – arguing with your other half when you have little ones around!

We also had a very low key celebration of our half anniversary, mainly to mark our brilliant contributors who pour their literary blood, sweat and tears into their writing and then let us pop it on this here website. We said it quite well on Facebook, methinks…


Today saw a featured post from Life, Love & Dirty Dishes about the presents that your little ones might love but you most probably won’t! It pretty much guarantees that someone will send a bag of whistles to help celebrate the next special occasion in Claire’s house!


We got a bit future-focused in our weekly #YHTLchat today on Facebook by asking you all to predict what amazing things will exist in the world when your little ones turn 25 that don’t exist now. Some of the answers were very good indeed, as you can see:

We also shared with you this joke, which we hope will grow on you…


As Bank Holiday weekend appeared again with the sole aim of messing up your bin day we featured another post from our most faraway contributor, Thorny Lullaby! It was all about how little ones’ personalities sometimes change for the worse when you are left at home with them. This is actually my favourite post from her lovely blog so far, so it’s well worth a read!

Saturday (aka Joshua’s birthday eve)

Aside from wrapping presents and decorating the house ready for the morning, today we featured our first post written by a hamster. A very funny hamster though, to be fair – Hamster McKenzie! It was all about the magical land of soft play, where dreams are shattered and knees and socks are moistened with the bodily fluids of a thousand toddlers. Definitely my favourite ever post written by a non-human. By miles!


So that brings us to today and this here weekly summary. And this really quite amusing video! What is it about toddlers that make them want to spin round and fall over so much!?

In the week ahead we actually definitely do have a comedy interview lined up, so look out for that one tomorrow! We’ve also got our usual treasure trove of hilarious featured posts from your brilliant selves, so if you want to keep up with everything funny we’d love you to add us on social media @youhave2laugh – but for now, enjoy the rest of your long weekend, good luck with bin day, and wish me luck at Wembley tomorrow where I’m hoping the mighty Reading will return to the top flight!


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