Thursday, March 13, 2025

YHTL Weekly Highlights – 24 to 30 Jul 2017

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‘I’ve had the time of my life

No I’ve never felt this way before

Yes I swear, it’s the truth

And I owe it all to you’

This, dear reader(s) was a direct quote from someone reading our website this week, blown away as they were by the splendour and wonder of the contents that lay within. It certainly wasn’t a quote from Dirty Dancing that I am certainly not watching as I’m typing this. No, no, no.

Anyway, Dirty Dancing was a pretty classic film, and there have been some pretty classic articles on the site this week. Admittedly none of them involved dancing in a river, but some of them did kind of involve babies and I guess at some stage some of those babies may have been in a corner. Or at least corner adjacent. So let’s take a moment to reflect on some of those classics, and let’s start on:


Did we have an amazing comedy interview this week. Did we bollocks. But good news has appeared over the horizon in the shape of not one, not two, but eleven comedy interviews that we have in the wings, so from this coming Monday onwards there will be loads of funny things to brighten up your Mondays. Yay!

We shared lots of funny stuff on our Facebook page on Monday though, including this one from our very own Fran. Pop along to our page for more funny stuff. Oh, and pop along to Fran’s page too, but only when you are finished liking and sharing all of our stuff!


Today we saw another superhero themed post, this time from Mumonthenetheredge. She looked at all the superheroes out there and found that there is a little bit of all of them in all of us. After all, it takes a superhero to raise children! Everything that she does is awesome so you know it’s great before you even read it!


Today we highlighted the amazing joy of the random button that appears at the top of every single page of our website. Just a single click will transport you to a magical wonderland filled with more joy than you could shake a stick at. Another click and you will be whipped away to another masterpiece of mirth. You might even be lucky enough to stumble upon one of my own posts. Wouldn’t that be a treat?! But what, pray tell, does the magical button of randomness look like. Wonder no longer…

You know you want to click it. Go on. Click it.

The first post that popped up when we tried it last week was this classic from Bell From Bow.


Thursday made us feel all crafty as Suzanne from andanothertenthings turned marmalade into lanterns. Not quite as exciting as turning water into wine, perhaps, but still pretty awesome all the same. More importantly, Suzanne has just brought a small person into the world (massive congrats!!), so not only can she make lanterns she can also make babies! What a superstar!

Anyway, here is her brilliant post about turning Duerr’s Marmalade jars into something beautiful…

There were jokes as well. So many jokes. Or two, if you want to be accurate. If you click on them you’ll go to a place where there are loads more too!!


Friday was all about how cool it is to be in your 40s, even if your children might not technically notice! It was by the excellent Liz from It’s A Drama and it’s well worth a few moments of your time.


Our final hurrah of the week and it was from Sharon from Everyone’s Buck Stops Here – all about the joy of Summer and how much she loves it. Apart from a mahoosive list of stuff that she isn’t quite so fond of!! Have a look and see how many you agree with!

The Week Ahead

So here we are, friends, readers and associates. It’s that time when we have to bid a tearful yet fond farewell to each other. But before we go, let me give you a taste of the week ahead. A soupcon of joy if I may.

It includes an excellent interview with Jemma from Popcorn For Lunch, something about festivals and children from Celine at Bell From Bow, something about working from home from me and lots of other funny stuff. It’ll be great, I promise you.

Until then. Keep living that dream. And remember – nobody puts YHTL in the corner…

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