Saturday, March 29, 2025

YHTL Weekly Highlights – 27 Mar to 2 Apr 2017

Nothing screams ‘holy shit balls, Batman, it’s nearly bloody Monday again’ like the arrival of the YHTL Weekly Highlights package. It’s like a scruffily-bearded fat man in a red suit ushering in Christmas. Or a chocolate-covered bunny bringing in Easter. Or a beer-bellied, sandle-wearing middle-aged man proclaiming the first day of the year that temperatures soar past 20 degrees.

Now we have that lovely image firmly emblazoned in our minds let’s start our review of the week. Strap yourselves in. It may get very mildly exciting.


People say a lot of unkind things about Mondays. Even more so since we started out comedy interview series, So You Think You’re Funny? Probably unrelated.

This week we hit a new low, as me from there was the subject of our string of uninspiring questions. I certainly delivered some similarly uninspiring answers. Here are those answers.


Tuesday certainly wasn’t ‘snooze’day this week as we had our first featured post of the week.

It came from Pass The Wine Please and was a fascinating and very funny insight into the disturbing world of CBeebies.


It may have been the middle of the week but today’s post was by no means middle of the road! It was from Emma at Island Living 365 about the less than picture-perfect side of parenting where things just don’t quite go according to the parenting manual!


No new posts today but we did have another attempt at our weekly #YHTLchat. It’s about as popular as a case of amoebic dysentery but we did get a few replies. Here is the question and some of the funniest all of the answers.


Fran from Whinge Whinge Wine told us all about her recent family trip to the aquarium which went as smoothly as a hipster’s chin. Maybe it’s the start of a thrilling new series called #fishyFriday?! Maybe it’s just a one-off quicky post about an aquarium?!

Days Out With Toddlers: A Visit to The Aquarium


I can actually remember this one without looking it up because it was only yesterday! And because it was about cake! Lisa from Pass The Prosecco Please knocked out an excellent review of some personalised cupcakes and there’s even a chance to win 6 of them in our Twitter giveaway!

Most Popular Post Of March

Now that March is done and dusted which was the most read post of the month on You Have To Laugh? Drum roll please…

In 3rd place it was Bad Dadu with his brilliant post about soft play!

In 2nd place it was, um, me with my bang average news article about the rising popularity of Open Letters!

But our winner was the really rather awesome Meat & Gravy with this top drawer post about how radiant you feel about giving birth. Ish.

If it works, feel free to have this splendid celebratory badge to mark your achievement!

Closing Thoughts

So what have we learnt from the past 7 days? Well, obviously we discovered that there are lots of funny things on this here website. We found out that parents like cake. We reminded ourselves that some parents aren’t perfect and occasionally cave in to the demands of their small people for the sake of their own sanity!

And we also discovered that a lot of our contributors have types of alcohol in their blog names. Funny that…

Whilst you’re here – if you fancy something you’ve written appearing on this here website why not send it in to us? Just fill in the form on the Contribute page – literally takes 2 minutes!


If you don’t send stuff in it’ll just be another website full of my half-arsed attempts at comedy – and no one wants that…

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