Tuesday, February 4, 2025

YHTL Weekly Highlights – 6 To 12 Mar 2017

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You could be forgiven for thinking there were two Sundays in every week, as is the speed of which they appear. I’m sure I only wrote one of these review posts yesterday, but seemingly it is once again Saturday evening and I am once again tippy tapping on this here keyboard rather than getting shitfaced and dancing my way into daylight. Because clearly if I wasn’t writing this, the shitfaced dancing thing would be the only other logical option for my Saturday evening.

However, enough about me and my unenviable social life and on to the task in hand. If you haven’t read one of these before (doesn’t exactly narrow the field down much) and didn’t get an inkling from the title, the task in hand is to compile the highlights from the previous 7 days in the history of You Have To Laugh. As is customary the review will begin at the beginning…


Still going strong is our So You Think You’re Funny? interview series, where each Monday we feature a super lovely blogger who decants their comedy genius into a short series of answers to our witty and delving questions. This week we were lucky enough to have Tony from Diary Of A Desperate Househusband giving us his views on everything from  beer and wine to condom gags. Here it is, complete with a slightly off-the-wall introduction from yours truly.


Tuesday arrived like a thief in the night, but instead of taking something valuable from us, it gave us something valuable in the form of a super duper article from Gemma at Colley’s Wobbles. It was about the slight waft of jealousy that comes from wishing you could be having a lovely time at work like your other half, or indeed wishing you could be having a lovely time at home like your other half! Have a read – it’s very funny.

As you all know by now we always have a cheese-based joke on Tuesdays, as part of #cheesyTuesday. Here is the one from the week just gone!


Another brilliant post was waiting for us on Wednesday morning from another newbie contributor to the site – the wonderfully-titled Meat & Gravy! This one was about feeling a bit less than your best after the magical journey of giving birth. If you aren’t a regular reader of her blog you really should be!


We don’t do featured posts on Thursdays. Apart from this week when we did! We’re oh so agile. Keeping it real and all. Mixing it up, Down with the kids. Word.

It was a post from the lovely Fran from Whinge Whinge Wine You Have To Laugh and it was all about the unbridled joy of planning and going through building work with small people on the scene!

Fran also chipped in with some potty training tips on Facebook!

And for those living under a rock for the past couple of days here is that video again with the man in the suit!


Friday brought more funny things in the form of Mom Of 2 Little Girls and her post about her move from the UK to South Africa and how it has worked out really well for her little ones. Who would ever want to leave the UK with our gorgeous weather, cheap house prices and glorious beaches though?!


The weekend arrived with a bang in the form of a post about the mysterious and never-ending contents of Kat from Confessions Of A Working Mum‘s handbag! How many things you had thought were lost forever will you find in your own bag over the next few days!?

We also had a play with the Facebook notes feature again and produced this bit of ‘news’ about microwave toddler meals! It won’t let me put it on here, but if you fancy reading the original, here it is!

See you all next week, for lots of mysterious things that we haven’t quite worked out yet!

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