Monday, February 3, 2025

YHTL Weekly Highlights – 7 to 13 Aug 2017

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Paint me with glue, roll me in glitter, strap me to a moped and call me Glenda if it isn’t time for yet another edition of our amazing weekly highlights package. It’s that moment of the week that has been building up for 7 whole days – a culmination of hour after hour of mental stimulation provided by our lovely contributors, that has whipped you up into such a mirth-fuelled frenzy that you can barely take any more.

I can picture you there on the sofa thinking, ‘James, I simply must experience again the comedy gold dust that your glorious website has sprinkled on me this week. I’ve been thrown up on, pissed on, shouted at repeatedly and mentally abused by my offspring all week, but You Have To Laugh has put me in such a state of euphoria that I simply must relive it, glorious day by glorious day, tantalising hour by tantalising hour, orgasmic minute by orgasmic minute.’

Yes, I’ve slightly paraphrased, and some words may have been added for dramatic effect, but I’m pretty sure that’s roughly what you’re thinking as you’re reading through this increasingly bizarre preamble. You just want the good stuff. You NEED the good stuff. And boy, have I got it for you.

Look! Here’s some now…


We like to send you into the week with a sense of joy and purpose, and our weekly interview series, ‘So You Think You’re Funny?‘ helps us get you prepared for the challenges ahead. This week it was the turn of the very entertaining Lizzie from Lone Wolf Mama to tickle our funny bones. She also provided some very useful advice on how to stop your small person from putting mayonnaise on their bum. Tres useful, non?!


The featured post parade started once again in (poor old) Earnest today with what turned out to be a very calm, reasonable, and well-argued letter to a garden centre from Bad Dadu, especially considering they had single-handedly destroyed the magic of Disney for him and his family.


With guns-a-blazing we smashed through Wednesday with not only a terrific featured post by Babysitting The Kids but also with an exciting opportunity to influence major brands through a new thingy called Hatch. First up, the featured post was all about a shark-attack-based investigation – in all honesty if that isn’t enough to encourage you to click on the picture of the shark below to find out more then I don’t know what would be!

If you want to find out more about that Hatch thing I mentioned above, then here is the perfect opportunity to do so – basically it’s an app you download that lets you offer your opinions on things for big brands in exchange for cold hard Amazon vouchers. If you’re interested, let your digits do their thing. No, not THAT thing. The pressing thing.

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I’m sure you all remember the thrilling news last week that Thursdays were to become our Totally Honest, Unbiased Reviews & Stuff Day and that I said there would be a review of a watch by Fran from Whinge Whinge Wine this week. Well, here is that review of a watch, which is both totally honest and unbiased. It also wins the prize for our longest ever post title, with the littlest ever attempt at comedy within it.

Globenfeld | Limited Edition Antique Blue Steel Men’s Automatic Watch


Don’t worry, folks – we’re nearly there.

Today we were given some very useful advice from Mom Of Two Little Girls about how to survive the dreaded scenario whereby the lurgy has invaded your house and made your small people poorly! As you can probably imagine, survival essentials include alcohol and pills, especially if you happen to be solo parenting for whatever reason!

We also shared with you this classic potty training gag. And by gag I mean it may well make you gag. By the way, if you click on the joke below it will take you to our stash of puns.


So we arrive at party central – Saturday night. Unless you’re a blogger / parent in which case your evening was probably a bit like mine:

To be fair I was / am drinking Whisky and listening to Nicky Romero as I type this, but still…

Today we featured one of my swanky fake news thingies – this one was all about those people on social media that manage to get outraged by literally anything and everything! How on earth do people find the time and energy to get so worked up about some of the ridiculous things that they do?! I can barely muster the energy to climb the stairs at night!

And that, dear reader is very much that. Tune in next week for another interview, some more super featured posts and some more fake news if I can find 20 minutes to finish it off! It’s all going to be EPIC!

See you there, Javier. XoXo

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