Friday, March 28, 2025
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Geomag Confetti: Review

Gifted for review

Joshua has always loved building things. When he was younger he would spend hours building models out of large plastic blocks (which he’s ALWAYS called Moblo for some reason) or wooden building bricks. It was pretty much the only thing he would successfully concentrate for a period of more than five minutes!

He has also always been a big fan of magnetic building kits, and has had a few small Geomag sets over the years. So when we had the chance to try out the really rather impressive 127 piece Geomag Confetti kit it was definitely a no-brainer, especially given we’re all spending rather a lot of time at home lately and need something to occupy our collective minds!

Joshua holding Geomag Confetti box

Geomag Confetti 127 Piece STEM Building Kit Review

The kit comes nicely packed within three polystyrene boxes to keep the various magnetic elements from jumping all over each other, which they are very much inclined to do given half a chance. As you can see you get quite a lot of magnetic goodness in the kit, with 60 poles and 61 metal balls. The only things that aren’t magnetic are the six bases, which help give support to some of the trickier designs!

Geomag Confetti review

Each of the coloured rods is magnetic at both ends so sticks nicely to the metal balls, meaning you can quickly and easily make designs by joining multiple rods to multiple balls. It’s a pretty simple concept, but it works really, really well and meant that Joshua could get stuck i really quickly to planning and building without needing to plough through pages of instructions.

Joshu'a very first Geomag Confetti shape

There is however a helpful leaflet inside giving you a decent variety of design ideas from the most basic to fairly complex, but in reality your imagination is the only barrier to what you can create.

To get even more creative with your designs you can use the bases contained within the kit to make multi-story creations too. These can be a bit fiddly to attach successfully at first, but with a bit of practice they become second nature, and help you build designs with a more solid structure to them.

Geomag Confetti review

Joshua has spent literally hours creating a variety of masterpieces this week already. The good part is that he’s learning as he’s doing it, through planning, solving problems, being creative and showing resilience when it doesn’t quite go to plan!

And yes, sometimes it definitely doesn’t go exactly to plan, as the magnets are very, well, MAGNETIC, so they love joining to balls and rods that you hadn’t intended them to join to, whih can create a touch of frustration for your young builder in training! However, after a little bit of practice Joshua was really flying and having a great time.

Geomag Confetti review

Overall Thoughts

We both love the simplicity and possibilities of the various bits of Geomag kit that we’ve used over the years, and this kit is no exception. It’s a simple concept, but really, really effective and will no doubt provide hours of fun, creativity and learning. It’s aimed at ages 3+ but I think Joshua at 5 is probably the perfect age to really make the most of what you can build and to do it independently. At 3 I think he would have become annoyed a lot quicker and maybe not have had the perseverence to master some of the more complicated designs.

The Geomag Confetti kit retails around the £70 mark and is available from all major retailers including through the affiliate Amazon link below and really is well worth checking out:

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