Making The Best of Christmas 2020 With Moonpig
Part of a gifted campaign with Moonpig
I think it’s safe to say that Christmas 2020 will be unlike any other. Although we still aren’t 100% sure who we will be allowed to see and what we will be allowed to do on the big day itself, the build up is definitely not going to be the normal happy frenzy of Christmas shopping for loved ones!
However, giving gifts this year may be more important than ever, especially if we don’t get to physically spend time with our friends and families. Giving gifts and cards shows that you are thinking of someone and making sure those gifts are thoughtful and from the heart makes them extra special.
Much like buying gifts for a birthday during lockdown, preparing for the festive season this year is likely to rely heavily on the magic of the internet. Whilst the big supermarkets will be able to help with the turkey and all the trimmings, Moonpig will definitely be able to help with the gifts and cards!
We were sent a few items from their Christmas 2020 gift selection in exchange for this post. As you can see, there are some lovely things to choose from, to cater for a wide variety of tastes.

Not a bad selection, and here they are in more detail if you wanted a bit of close-up festive gift-giving inspiration!
Nutcracker Treat Tin Gin House Gift Set Magical Christmas Morning Yankee Candle Gift Set Marvel Top Trumps Marvel Avengers 100pc Jigsaw Puzzle
Moonpig’s website makes gift selection nice and easy. Just pop along to the homepage, choose the drop down gift menu and all the various options are set out for you, so you can pick gifts by the person you’re buying for, or for the occasion.
For example, there are well over 200 items to choose from in the Christmas Gift section, so there’s no excuse for not finding that special something for that special someone in your life.

You can also search by gift type, so if you know the kind of thing you fancy, you can use these options to help narrow your search down.

If you feel inspired, now is a good time to start thinking about getting those gifts organised. No one really knows yet if lockdown will be lifted on 3rd December, or what tier we will all be in during the weeks leading up to Christmas 2020, so it’s a great idea to play it safe, whip your phone or tablet or laptop out and get it all out of the way now!
Imagine a Christmas build-up without all the stress of coming up with last-minute gift ideas, when the shops have sold out of the best bits. Imagine not having to battle through the crowds in the high street, queueing for car parking spaces and putting any old rubbish in your basket out of desperation! Well now is your chance…
Apart from the all-important gifts and cards, what else can you do to make sure the festive season is as special as possible despite the uncertainty? Here’s a few ideas to make the most of Christmas 2020…
Get Your Zoom On
It’s been quite the year for socialising online and it’s likely that Christmas 2020 will have to involve at least a bit of virtual festivity. Instead of driving around the country visiting friends and family, have some meet-ups online. Reach out to those people you don’t see often and have a catch-up. It’ll save time and petrol, and it means you can get together as a larger group than would be possible during lockdown and have a few drinks in the comfort of your own home.
Scale Back The Work Christmas Party Or Take It Online
This year will likely all be about small groups, if and when lockdown comes to an end and we revert to the tier system. For those areas where you can still socialise with a few other people, plan ahead and have a nice meal out with a small number of your closest colleagues. You won’t have to make small talk with the weird one from HR and there’s no chance of getting so drunk you end up doing something you regret the next day. Perfect!
You can also hold your team do online and play a few games from the likes of Jackbox, or do an online escape room as a team. They’re a lot of fun, builds team bonds and are something a bit different!
Go Over The Top With Decorations
We’ve all been through a pretty rubbish 2020 so far and none of us really knows when life will return to normal. So why not go to town this year with an over-the-top build up to the big day? Start the festivities early by getting the decorations up, with outdoors lights, a giant tree and inflatable reindeers – the full works! Nothing cheers people up quite like bright, excessive, tacky Christmas decorations so help spread a bit of joy to the passers-by this year!
Spread Some Real Christmas Cheer To Those Who Need It Most
There are so many ways you can help make a difference this Christmas to all those people who have had an even tougher 2020 than you have. There are a wealth of amazing charities doing some great work that would all appreciate a donation or the gift of your time to help out. There are food banks to donate to and many places that accept Christmas gifts to pass on to those in need. Have a search online and help to really make a difference this festive season!
However you end up spending Christmas this year, do the legwork now and help make it the best possible Christmas that 2020 can offer!
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